Tuesday, July 9, 2013

LipstickPages.com is dead. Long live Lipstick Pages!

First, the bad news: a company clearly overcompensating for a lack of something, HugeDomains.com, bought our original domain name, lipstickpages.com, after it expired (my bad), and is now reselling it for only $1,795*...

Now, the good news: because I loathe marketing schemes like this, and I don't want to waste anyone's time and effort with indiegogo or Kickstarter just for the privilege of using a name I've used for ten years, I'm pleased to make an early announcement: Lipstick Pages is returning to e-publishing art and literary anthologies (and ebooks!), eventually growing a green/limited run publication branch that will work with poets, authors, and literary and non-profit organizations.

I recently purchased two sites for our future anthology and ebook homes: LipstickPages.net and LipstickPages.org. Hopefully, the home name changes aren't confusing. In the meantime...visit our blog and archival home http://lipstickpages.webs.com for release updates!

Thanks for your support over the years. You know who you are.

~"DIY" Danna Williams (Once Floundering Founder & Publisher)

 *If you're a wealthy Lipstick Pages reader and supporter who buys the old homestead to donate to us, you will be listed as a lifetime sponsor and credited as honorary publisher, receiving ebooks, future print anthologies, and other perks.


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