The Lipstick Pages kicked off the spring 2008 issue The Body Eclectic on May 30th. Here's a mention of it in our Launch Party & Fashion Show* press release:
"[The Body Eclectic] celebrates the diversity in the images and everyday lives of eclectic women. It's a great opportunity for local artists, fiction writers, filmmakers, photographers, and poets - from amateur to professional - to share their p.o.v."
I thought it would be cool to take a summer holiday and continue the theme rather than rush into working on a summer issue, extending it to include the diversity of body images in art, photo essays and poetry. This means more to enjoy from the creative minds of women artists, and a new summer cover for your favorite creative feminist zine. The Lipstick Pages is updating the zine with The Body Electric II. It's an extension of the deadline to August 1st, and we're accepting new submissions of art, poetry, stories, and photos. Sorry, no videos yet.

Frida Kahlo at work.
New Zine Content in August 2008
To fill the void of criticism of mainstream portrayals of women and image consciousness, I'm creating an editor's review page, where reviews of books about body image - fiction and non-fiction favorites - plus fashion, beauty, and feminist critique blogs will explore the eclectic images of women. Links to sites we think address the body image issue, and a special two part opinion piece with the working titles: Feminism in Art: "Why Women's Work Matters" and "What's So Awful About The F Word?", unveiled late next month.
How's that for progress?

Now Accepting Submissions for Fall 2008: It's Our World
Lipstick Pages is now accepting: original art, essays, fiction, photos, poetry, short films (up to 3 entries per issue, no more than 10 minutes. each), short fiction (1000-10,000 words), and essays (500-2000 words). Subject matter may be related to, but not exclusively concerned with, changing the lives of women - through individual, grassroots, and international activism. Deadlines: June 12th - poetry, stories, essays, articles, and blog posts; September 18th - art and photos. Online submissions only to editor@thelipstickpages.net. Accepted work will appear online Friday, September 26th. Please read our guidelines for more info: www.thelipstickpages.net/submissions.htm.

Now Accepting Donations:
The Lipstick Pages requests donations to keep the site running - and eventually free from those pesky banner ads that don't reflect what we're about. I edit and publish our lovely zine for free, and none of our contributors receive monetary compensation. We do this for the love of exhibiting the creative work of women. All donations are used for site maintenance and expansion to include more of the art, photos, poems, and stories you enjoy. My ultimate goal is to create a wonderful feminist art and literature anthology (in print as well as online) you won't see or read anywhere else.
How's that for ambition?
Having A Great Summer, Hope You Are Too,
Danna MarrĂ³n Williams
Editor & Publisher
*Photos from The Lipstick Pages Launch Party & Blue Velvet Fashion Show will be posted soon @ thelipstickpages.net/photos.htm.